I honestly can't believe it has been 11 months since I started this blog.
Well, they said time flies when you're having fun!
Throughout this past 11 months, I learned a lot of things and gain a lot of experiences. I stand and I fall but that's life; you need to fall to stand and come back even stronger.
One of the biggest challenge for me throughout these past months is finding the right career for my future. I was always confused which career path should I take in the future as I enjoy doing all the tasks in my course equally. I used to think that I want to be a visual merchandiser as it looks interesting, but after doing a few merchandising experiences, I realised that I don't enjoy doing merchandising that much.
After a few months, I realised that I have a passion in doing editorials. I've always known that I love to create marketing or promotional contents but I thought, the interest will fade after time; but it didn't! Every time the teacher gave me some editorials to do, I was always excited and willingly do it. I got the opportunity to design a lot of promotional campaigns and social media contents for real brands in Singapore which make me a better editor. I worked with real clients and design materials for them that was publicised to hundreds of people.
Even though being an editor is hard as you need to have a creative mind and keep developing ideas for new contents, but I found my passion! I honestly faced a lot of challenges when it comes to working with real clients as I always have to design contents according to their wants and not my wants. People have different taste on things, it's actually very hard to do something that you don't like looking at but you have to do it anyway according to the client's wants.
After time, I am sure that I want to be a fashion editor or a content creator in the future because despite of all the challenges and all the downfalls, even though I feel stressed out sometimes doing it, but it was all very very worth it!
Currently, I'm two weeks away from my graduation day and I can't be more happier than this yay! I can't wait to face the real world and may be become a famous fashion editor. Well who knows, what the future holds.. But I'm sure that wherever life takes me, I'm ready to face it all ☺