Started my academic fashion blog at the beginning of 2019 and it has been 10 months since then. Blogging started as a compulsory thing to do as it is a part of my university's module but after some times spending time blogging, I realised that I actually love to blog! Despite of all the hard work I have to put into each blog, I always get that satisfying feeling every time I publish one.
Throughout this past 10 months, I've learned a lot through blogging and I always try to keep improving myself as a fashion blogger in terms of blog contents, words used, etc.

So here are the things that I've learned from running a fashion blog:
1. Blogging is not easy. At all.
I always wanted to be a fashion influencer since high school. Every time I see fashion influencers posting amazing pictures on their social media, I thought to myself,
"What a good life they have! All they need to do is take good pictures, post it and earn money from it."
But I was totally wrong! Being a fashion blogger or influencer need a lot of work. Like a lot. Since I started blogging, I need to always update my blog with up-to-date contents that could attract people to read my blog. Some blogs need a lot of research, some blogs need photography and styling skills and creating contents for these blogs are very time-consuming. I need to sacrifice a lot of energy and a lot of time. But at the end of the day, all the blood, sweat and tears are definitely worth it!
2. Always be consistent.
To be honest, I am not a consistent person, especially when it comes to assignments. But since I started blogging, I always try my best to be consistent on uploading my contents. Even though sometimes I skipped a few schedule, but for the past 10 months, I was mostly consistent on uploading my blog which is scheduled to be once a week (every Sunday).
For me, consistency is one of the key thing to be a successful fashion blogger. Not only fashion blogger, but also in general; if you do everything with consistency, everything will turn out well.
3. Be yourself.
One of the most important thing that I learned is just to be yourself. I am such an extroverted, bubbly girl who loves to express my self in every way. I used to be shy and scared to express myself as I'm scared people might think I'm "too much". But since I started blogging, I always express myself through my blog; by the words I used, through my writing style, my blog contents, etc. I started to communicate with people by being my super cheerful self, and people actually love the super cheerful me!
"Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."
That quotes got stuck in my mind until this day and it's perfectly true.
Be yourself and the right people will stay.
4. Write for yourself, not for your readers.
The last thing I learned is always write your blog as if you're the one reading it. NEVER write blog to satisfy other people because that means you're not being your true self. I realised I cannot satisfy everyone but I can always satisfy myself, which is enough.
Now, I always treat my blog as my personal journal; containing all of my journey from scratch until later one day, I'll reach my goals in life.