Hello beautiful humans, welcome to my first blog!
Its me Karin and I'm here to talk a little bit about myself and my passion. I'm going to take you guys on a ride of my life story, on how I found my true passion and my journey pursuing my dreams.

First of all, I want to introduce myself briefly. As you know, my name is Karin Danashta (Fun Fact: My last name is a combination of my parents' name "Dana" and "Shinta"). I was born on 19th August 1998 in Jakarta, Indonesia. I am a 20 years old university student studying International Fashion Business in Raffles Design Institute, Singapore.
I am a very extrovert person; always smiling to people around me and definitely love to chirp around. I actually love to do a lot of things like singing, playing the piano, practicing martial arts (aikido in specific), editing videos, but nothing has made me more enthusiast than doing the things related to fashion (mood board, trend review, look book, editorials, etc). This is how I realised that I am passionate about fashion.
My future goal is to be a fashion editor and a fashion stylist.
So, when did I found out that my passion is in fashion?
I found out that I love fashion when I was 15 years old. It was my teenage year and I started to follow the fashion trend. I started following fashion bloggers on instagram and steal some of their style. Before 15, all I remember was me wearing whatever clothes was on top in my wardrobe.

A lot of people think being fashionable and stylish is all about wearing fancy clothes with lots of sparkly accessories and a pair of high heels. It's not like that at all. Being fashionable and stylish means you could wear whatever clothes you are comfortable in and make it look captivating. It's not about the clothes you're wearing but it's all about how you style it and how you make yourself look good. For me, its always been comfort over style.
Why be stylish if you are not comfortable wearing the clothes you wore?

I guess that's all from me for now. I hope you know me a little better from this brief introduction. Follow me on my journey through this blog and I hope you learn a thing or two from my posts. I'll update soon, cheers!
Much Love,
K.D ♡